javascript - AngularJs - errors and exceptions

AngularJS - errors and exceptions

Erreurs d'exécution (contexte Angular)

L'[$exceptionHandler] ($exceptionHandler) catch la plupart des exceptions. En tout cas toutes celles attrapées par le contexte angular. Le comportement par défaut du handler est de log via $log.error().

On peut décorer ce comportement pour affichage dans un toast, cf règle [Y110] ( du style-guide John Papa.

/* recommended */

exceptionConfig.$inject = ['$provide'];

function exceptionConfig($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$exceptionHandler', extendExceptionHandler);

extendExceptionHandler.$inject = ['$delegate', 'toastr'];

function extendExceptionHandler($delegate, toastr) {
    return function(exception, cause) {
        $delegate(exception, cause);
        var errorData = {
            exception: exception,
            cause: cause
         * Could add the error to a service's collection,
         * add errors to $rootScope, log errors to remote web server,
         * or log locally. Or throw hard. It is entirely up to you.
         * throw exception;
        toastr.error(exception.msg, errorData);

Erreurs liées aux requêtes http

L'usage d'un [interceptor http] ($http#interceptors) permet de catcher à coup sur tous les problèmes sur toutes les requêtes exécutées à partir de $http.

// register the interceptor as a service
$provide.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function($q, dependency1, dependency2) {
  return {
    // optional method
    'request': function(config) {
      // do something on success
      return config;

    // optional method
   'requestError': function(rejection) {
      // do something on error
      if (canRecover(rejection)) {
        return responseOrNewPromise
      return $q.reject(rejection);

    // optional method
    'response': function(response) {
      // do something on success
      return response;

    // optional method
   'responseError': function(rejection) {
      // do something on error
      if (canRecover(rejection)) {
        return responseOrNewPromise
      return $q.reject(rejection);


// alternatively, register the interceptor via an anonymous factory
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, dependency1, dependency2) {
  return {
   'request': function(config) {
       // same as above

    'response': function(response) {
       // same as above

Restangular propose un système built-in via [setErrorInterceptor] (

Erreurs liées au routage

/* recommended */
var handlingRouteChangeError = false;

function handleRoutingErrors() {
     * Route cancellation:
     * On routing error, go to the dashboard.
     * Provide an exit clause if it tries to do it twice.
        function(event, current, previous, rejection) {
            if (handlingRouteChangeError) { return; }
            handlingRouteChangeError = true;
            var destination = (current && (current.title ||
       || current.loadedTemplateUrl)) ||
                'unknown target';
            var msg = 'Error routing to ' + destination + '. ' +
                (rejection.msg || '');

             * Optionally log using a custom service or $log.
             * (Don't forget to inject custom service)
            logger.warning(msg, [current]);

             * On routing error, go to another route/state.

  • ui-router

Cf [wiki ui-router] (


// somewhere, assume lazy.state has not been defined
$state.go("lazy.state", {a:1, b:2}, {inherit:false});

// somewhere else
function(event, unfoundState, fromState, fromParams){ 
    console.log(; // "lazy.state"
    console.log(unfoundState.toParams); // {a:1, b:2}
    console.log(unfoundState.options); // {inherit:false} + default options


function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error){ ... })

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