GIT - tags management

git - tags management

add a tag

# create a tag on the current HEAD
$ git tag -a v1.4 -m 'my version 1.4'

# push it to the remote (push all the tags)
$ git push --tags

list tags

# list tags
$ git tag

delete a tag

# delete a tag locally
git tag -d 0.0.1

# sync the remote origin
git push origin :refs/tags/0.0.1

find the last tag behind the commit

$ git describe 08d029b
# will output something like this :
> 0.1.4-83-g08d029b
# which means that the tag 08d029b is 83 commits after the last tag named 0.1.4

find the last tag containing the commit

$ git describe --contains 08d029b
# will output something like this :
> 0.2.0~2
# which means that the commit 08d029b is contained in the tag named 0.2.0 and it is 2 commits before the tag in the tree

results for ""

    No results matching ""